Architecture Exchange: How is Architecture Political?
Featuring leading theorists in the field, the symposium demonstrated the vital importance of architecture’s political dimension
How is architecture political? That was the question being asked at the Architecture Exchange’s second annual symposium, this year held at the Architectural Association. The respondents, each of whom made a half-hour presentation on the subject, included Reinhold Martin (Director of the Buell Center in New York), Pier Vittorio Aureli (cofounder of Dogma and teacher at the AA), Ines Weizman (specialist in Soviet-era dissident architecture) and Sarah Whiting (Dean of Rice Architecture School, Houston). However, the star of the event was undoubtedly Chantal Mouffe, one of the world’s leading political theorists (as demonstrated by book titles like Agonistics: Thinking the World Politically, On the Political and The Return of the Political).