Performative archiving in Kosmos

Panos Kouros

Performative archiving in Kosmos. Preliminary remarks.


Lecture at the Kolloquium at Humboldt-University
Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft
Fachgebiet Medienwissenschaft



At the junction of performative urbanism and art in the public sphere,sonic arts and archival media studies, /Kosmos/ project relies on a methodof real-time archiving of public space that I have termed ‘performative archiving action’. Works areundertaken in Kosmos, Berlin and Neos Kosmos, Athens, in the different contexts of urban regeneration pressures in these neighborhoods. Archiving is conceived as performance creating conditions for emerging public sphere(s); linking acting persons, dispersed publics, different localities through specific actions of documenting/ classifying/ re-using/ re-contextualizing data, and made public as a continuum across web interfaces and interhuman dispositions. The performative aspect relates to both human performing tasks and the internal generative operations of the archive.

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