instructions for walking women

Instructions for Walking Women

 Instructions for Walking Women is a growing archive of instruction for walking written by and for women.

It is continuously developed through workshops and interventions in a variety of settings, and the cards are used to create performances that explore the way that women experience and navigate public space. Instructions can also be used privately as methods for exploring landscapes or considering who is allowed to walk where, and how.

The first Instructions for Walking Women workshop was held as part of a Sisters Uncut takeover of the NewBridge Gallery in Newcastle.

ΣΤΡΟΓΓΥΛΗ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ Δημοκρατία, δημόσιος χώρος και Performance

Δημοκρατία, δημόσιος χώρος και Performance.
Επιμέλεια: Αγγελική Αυγητίδου
Μέρος του παράλληλου προγράμματος της έκθεσης [OUT] TOPIAS Περφόρμανς και υπαίθριος / δημόσιος χώρος

Γκίγκη Αργυροπούλου, Δρ. θεωρητικός, επιμελήτρια, σκηνοθέτης
Αγγελική Αυγητίδου, Δρ. εικαστικός – αρχιτέκτων, Επίκουρη καθηγήτρια Π.Δ.Μ.
Μαίρη Ζυγούρη, εικαστικός καλλιτέχνης, performer
Ελπίδα Καραμπά, επιμελήτρια, θεωρητικός τέχνης
Francesco Kiais, καλλιτέχνης, δάσκαλος και θεωρητικός της performance art, μέλος του διοικητικού επιμελητικού συμβουλίου στη Venice International Performance Art Week και ιδρυτής της πλατφόρμας [mind the] G.A.P.-Gathering Around Performance
Πάνος Κούρος, εικαστικός, θεωρητικός τέχνης, Καθηγητής, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών
Ευαγγελία Λεδάκη, επιμελήτρια εκθέσεων, κριτικός τέχνης
Πάρις Λεγάκης, εικαστικός, θεωρητικός, performer
Κώστας Ντάφλος, Δρ. αρχιτέκτων – εικαστικός, Επίκουρος καθηγητής Ε.Μ.Π.
Κωστής Σταφυλάκης, Δρ. Πολιτικής Επιστήμης, Θεωρητικός Τέχνης και Εικαστικός, Εντεταλμένος διδασκαλίας στη ΜοΚΕ της ΑΣΚΤ και στο Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών.
Άννα Τζάκου, performer, σκηνοθέτης και υποψήφια διδάκτωρ στη site-specific performance

documenta 14 – 34 Ασκήσεις Ελευθερίας, Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα, 14-24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

Πολ Πρεσιάδο: «H Μπέλλου έχει περισσότερο ενδιαφέρον από τον Άντι Γουόρχολ»



New Publication by The Funambulist & New South: Public Space: Fights and Fictions Architecture & Design

New Publication by The Funambulist & New South: Public Space: Fights and FictionsAugust 30, 2016

Architecture & Design – By: Léopold Lambert



“Who do we exclude from our fictions?
Who do we include in our desires?”
— Tentative Collective

Architects appear increasingly to be getting interested in the politics of public space. The 36-hour Factory of Thought event at the Akademie der Kunste in Berlin is therefore inscribed in a larger movement towards social awareness as a key value in architecture practice. Regardless of its successes or failures, the 15th edition of the Venice Biennale Reporting from the Front, curated by Alejandro Arevena, provides the latest solid evidence of this move. Although such a shift both in the practices and questions encountered by architects can only be a positive shift, what is too often missing from the conversation is the crucial need to question the very nature of public space itself: not only the way it is made and used, but the broader societal vision that it represents and reinforces. A useful starting point, then, is to examine what we mean when we say ‘public’, before we move on to ‘space’, the material that as architects, urban planners and spatial practitioners, we may dissect more comfortably.


Date: 11 July 2016 to 17 July 2016

Venue: Screening Room and Utopia Treasury, South Wing, Somerset House, London

A programme of events that places women at the centre of discussions and debates about walking and art. Part of UTOPIA 2016: A Year of Imagination and Possibility – Four Seasons of events, exhibitions and new commissions celebrating the idea of utopia to mark the 500th anniversary of Thomas More’s influential text.
The invisibility of women in what appears as a canon of walking is conspicuous; where they are included, it is often as an ‘exception’ to an unstated norm, represented by a single chapter in a book or even a footnote.

– Heddon and Turner (2012) ‘Walking Women: Shifting the Tales and Scales of Mobility’ Contemporay Theatre Review, Vol. 22(2), 2012, p. 225
How do we re-write a canon? How do we re-balance the perception of art, artists, and the use of walking as a creative practice? Can we not only imagine a future in which gender bias and skewed vision is destroyed, but actively build the pathway there?

These events are a step on that path. Bringing together artists from across disciplines – theatre makers, writers, sculptors, film makers, poets, live artists and visual artists with academics, curators and cultural critics to discuss, present, create, record, broadcast and make public the work of WALKING WOMEN.

Performative archiving in Kosmos

Panos Kouros

Performative archiving in Kosmos. Preliminary remarks.


Lecture at the Kolloquium at Humboldt-University
Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft
Fachgebiet Medienwissenschaft



At the junction of performative urbanism and art in the public sphere,sonic arts and archival media studies, /Kosmos/ project relies on a methodof real-time archiving of public space that I have termed ‘performative archiving action’. Works areundertaken in Kosmos, Berlin and Neos Kosmos, Athens, in the different contexts of urban regeneration pressures in these neighborhoods. Archiving is conceived as performance creating conditions for emerging public sphere(s); linking acting persons, dispersed publics, different localities through specific actions of documenting/ classifying/ re-using/ re-contextualizing data, and made public as a continuum across web interfaces and interhuman dispositions. The performative aspect relates to both human performing tasks and the internal generative operations of the archive.

Public Space: Fights and Fictions

Public Space: Fights and Fictions | DEMO:POLIS - The Right to Public Space

Public Space: Fights and Fictions

36-hour Factory of Thought

19 May 2016, 7 pm (Prologue)
Noon 20 May – Midnight 21 May, 2016

Organised by the Goethe-Institut and the Akademie der Künste. An event held as part of DEMO:POLIS – The Right to Public Space.

Futureland, Cairo, 2009

Futureland, Cairo, 2009

Futureland, Tokyo, 2015

Futureland, Tokyo, 2015

Futureland, Mexico, 2009

Futureland, Mexico, 2009

Futureland, Dubai, 2009

Futureland, Dubai, 2009

Futureland, Shanghai, 2009

Futureland, Shanghai, 2009

The crisis of representative democracies, participation, and civil society burnout: How can we use public space for the perspective of an enlightenment in the 21st century? Public space is intrinsically linked to the parameters of each particular culture and society and its historical changes. With worldwide migration, social conflicts, and global economic and financial interests or the emancipation from authoritarian structures, public space has been facing massive challenges over the last decades. Across the globe, it has become the scene of violent changes and fundamental paradigm shifts. Between security and surveillance, participation and commercialisation, artistic and social freedom and the demonstration of power, public space is where the future of democracy and the quality of life is being decided.

Against this background, architect, theoretician and activist Eyal Weizman explores the anatomy of public space. South African curator Gabi Ngcobo describes the struggle for public space. Peter Cachola Schmal, Curator of the German Pavilion at this year’s International Architecture Exhibition in Venice, asks whether our arrival cities are the catalysts of social and cultural conflicts from mass migration in Europe. With international curators and artists, architect Eva Franch i Gilabert discusses how artists, designers, architects, curators and cultural institutions stage and construct real and symbolic forms of power and authority.

Under the pretext of public security, the ideas and concepts dealing with public space are increasingly informed by surveillance and control. The question of whether public space itself could then pose a threat is analysed by Anna Minton. Léopold Lambert focuses on public space as militarized environment in the aftermath of terrorist attacks. Kathrin Röggla considers the role of public space in post-democracy, while architect Doreen Heng Liu outlines the factors in any sustainable development of urban public space. Is public space a “third space” where strategies can be developed to counter an all-dominant and appropriating commercialisation? Are the struggles in public space only the harbingers of gentrification? – core questions addressed by architect Arno Brandlhuber in the closing panel.

This 36-hour Factory of Thought aims to develop a more concrete understanding of approaches to the complex expectations placed on public space. The Kooperative für Darstellungspolitik’s spatial design facilitates concentrated thought in parallel structures for kick-off speeches and think tanks, discussions, interviews and artistic interventions, and provides room for informal exchanges in open platforms.

The number of places in the “Denkräume” (Round Tables) is limited. Information about the registration here.

Διάλεξη: Campus Novel

Campus Novel

[Ινώ Βαρβαρίτη, Γιάννης Δελαγραμμάτικας, Φωτεινή Παλπάνα, Γιάννης Σινιόρογλου και Γιάννης Χειμωνάκης]




Σειρά Διαλέξεων Τέχνη / Αρχιτεκτονική στη Δημόσια Σφαίρα

Τρίτη 15 Δεκεμβρίου στις 4:30 στο Σ5

Τμήμα Αρχιτεκτόνων Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών


Who owns our cities – and why this urban takeover should concern us all

Who owns our cities – and why this urban takeover should concern us all

But today, rather than a space for including people from many diverse backgrounds and cultures, our global cities are expelling people and diversity. Their new owners, often part-time inhabitants, are very international – but that does not mean they represent many diverse cultures and traditions. Instead, they represent the new global culture of the successful – and they are astoundingly homogeneous, no matter how diverse their countries of birth and languages. This is not the urban subject that our large, mixed cities have historically produced. This is, above all, a global “corporate” subject.

Sound Acts in Victoria Square @newtransits

Η διπλωματική εργασία της Αγγελικής Διακρούση Ενδυνάμωση της φωνής του φύλου: Ηχητικές πράξεις στην Πλατεία Βικτωρίας, στο πολύ ενδιαφέρον newtransits, τεύχος 5, Οκτώβριος 2015.